Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to participants and guests of the Leo Tolstoy International Peace Prize presentation ceremony

The message reads, in part:
“I consider your project
to be an important and highly essential initiative aiming to facilitate the consolidation of the international public around the noble ideas of maintaining
peace and security on the planet, upholding human rights and freedoms and forging a new, equitable multipolar international order, based on the principles of sovereign equality and respect for the legitimate interests of each other, as well as the primacy of international law.
I am delighted to note that
entire organisations, as well as representatives of public, religious and volunteer associations, business circles, academic and educational institutions
of various countries and continents can receive this prestigious prize. This
concerns all who devote themselves to a lofty peace-making and charitable
mission, strive to make their contribution to the cause of strengthening
friendship and mutual understanding between nations and to implement
significant initiatives in the sphere of culture and historical education. Of course, it is deeply symbolic that the prize is named after Leo Tolstoy, our
outstanding writer and a great advocate of humanity.”
